Gonubie frail care

Andrew & Heather Todd

Caring and ministering has always been my (Heather) passion and drive in life.

I ran a pregnancy crisis centre for Seven years, as well as working in Government abortion wads. My goal was to love on and explain alternative options and consequences of the young woman who was desperate and broken.

God powerfully used me in this season of my ministry, but I knew that this season was coming to an end and God was opening new doors for me.   In 2012, I met my husband and we both had a calling for ministry.

My husband and I, both embraced the passion and vision, of caring for the elderly, in a different, empathetic way. Both of us had witnessed with our parents the shortage of compassionate, affordable hands-on frail care facilities, and we knew that this was the direction God was leading us in.  

My dearest dad a Baptist Pastor faithfully serving Jesus for 65 years, then diagnosed with Dementia and from that moment I knew I had to make my dads last stop on this earth meaningful, comfortable and full of joy and peace.

We knew about Gonubie Frail Care and discovered the previous owners were immigrating to Australia, so we took over the Gonubie Frail Care and Feather’s Nest was born.

My dad, later on, passed the baton, and so I took the opportunity to make a difference to all the old and frail God brings my way.

Our efforts at Feathers Nest are sincere and with our residents and their families being our main focus, we endeavour to make everyone’s stay special and impactful.



92 18th Avenue


East London

Eastern Cape



Tel: 043 740 0748

Cell: 073 872 9911

Email Us

Email: toddyajt@gmail.com